People like the moon for many different reasons its beauty, its calming effect, and its impact on life on Earth.
I love to sit and look at the moon . Many people find the moon to be soothing and calming, and gazing at it can bring you a sense of peace and tranquility.
Did you know the moons waxing and waning formed the basis of the worlds first calendars.
I think of my self a bit of a selenophile .
Selenophiles are people who love the moon and find joy and peace of mind when looking at it. They find it soothingly captivating.
Selenophile comes from the Greek words selene ''moon'' and phile ''lover'' while the word selene itself is derived from the ancient Greek word selas meaning ''light''
Hope you enjoyed reading about the moon
What is your favourite Lunar phase?
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous